Eastern Europe

VIDEO: Russian State TV Accuses Trump Of Creating Coronavirus And Releasing It On China

Russian state TV recently released a conspiracy theory that U.S. President Donald Trump had American labs create the coronavirus to release on the Chinese people to achieve geopolitical goals.

During Wednesday evening’s edition of “Vremya” on Channel One, host Kirill Kleimenov recounted the theory that the highly contagious virus didn’t originate in a cave of Chinese bats, but was actually manufactured in an American laboratory on Trump’s orders, reported The Moscow Times.

“From the origin of the word, the origin of the virus becomes clearer. What is it called? Coronavirus. Take the word ‘crown.’ It is the basis of the name and comes first,” Kleimenov said. 

“What did Donald Trump, the president of America, China’s main rival in the world arena, do in his previous life? That’s right, he handed out crowns at his famous beauty contest. So the origin of the coronavirus, and most importantly, the goals and objectives of its use become absolutely clear,” he continued, admitting that it was just a conspiracy theory.  

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2fred February 11, 2020 at 9:30 am

Russians now vying with American leftists for the conspiracy virus, aka Conspiravirus…

Here’s the real scoop on Coronavirus. […don’t tell anyone…] In English, the first 6 letters are ‘Corona’ – it’s a beer virus.

That’s right. Empresas Polar of Caracas VZ is trying to ruin Grupo Modela SA’s cerveza Corona now ranking near #1 globally for export beers. This is actually an FSB/SVR joint hit on capitalism, trying to boost Venezuela’s criminal command economy and prop Putin’s meddling in the American hemisphere. With beer. Not in Asia, but over here.

So – if you detest conspiracy, there is only one option. Canadian beer – Labbat’s Blue. Totally safe from conspiracy as you know Canadians can’t get much done globally, especially with poster boy Trudeau running about, secretly in blackface etc at parties.

Alabaster McGillicuddy February 11, 2020 at 9:31 am

How about this?? The Chinese created the Coronavirus as a bio weapon and it got away from them!!!

Scooter Van Neuter February 11, 2020 at 11:03 am

Ah, those drunk Russians. Always amusing : )

njlamer February 11, 2020 at 11:23 am

Fag Russians need only respond to Hillary and Obama the terrorists.. They all belong together in the pit we are digging for them..

jabusse February 18, 2020 at 9:23 am

I love Russian humor. Here they mimic CNN and MSNBC.


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