
Lithuania Accuses Russia Of Hacking Foreign Ministry

Image by Barzdonas

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Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas accused Russia of hacking the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry to steal sensitive email data concerning Nord Stream II and other negotiations with The Union State of Russia and Belarus, and the South Caucasus.

“Groups of hackers operating in our region are actively involved in this and, as a rule, they are linked with Russian special services,” the BNS news agency quotes Anusauskas as saying, reported Russian state news agency TASS.

He added that according to his sources the Foreign Ministry’s electronic system had been hacked into back last November, but the incident came to light just recently.

“Another attack occurred on Wednesday, but it was unsuccessful,” Anusauskas said.

The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry said that the theft of documents by hackers was an attack from outside.

“We regard it as an attack by unfriendly countries,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

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