Middle East News

Is A Triple Summit Between Trump Netanyahu And Bin Salman Possible?

Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud – 2017

A British news resource, the Middle East Eye is reporting this Friday that the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman is contemplating a summit on American soil that would include, in addition to himself, American President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. There can be little doubt that such a dramatic move is only being considered as a result of the pressure brought to bear on the Crown Prince by the recent anti-Saudi resolution by the American Senate and the sanctions instituted against the Middle Eastern kingdom by the Trump administration.

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The British news resource, which according to many sources is funded and supported by the anti-Saudi emirate of Qatar, further reports that the idea for this summit is the brain child of the special crisis management team assembled by Bin Salman to handle the aftermath of the gruesome murder of Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi intelligence. This was supposed to have been carried out in secret, but instead became a public relations nightmare for Saudi Arabia and its Royal House when it was made public in gory detail by the Turks who had apparently managed to bug the Saudi embassy in their capital city of Ankara where the murder had taken place. The summit, in which the future and de-facto current leader of Saudi Arabia, a kingdom that is the birthplace of Islam and its prophet and the guardian of its most holy places of Mecca and Medina, would formally and publicly meet the sitting prime minister of the Jewish State of Israel shortly after it had adopted the Nationality Law codifying its identity as a Jewish State, is designed to be an event of such historic proportions that it would blow the Khashoggi murder narrative out of the news cycle and replace it with the unprecedented Saudi step towards Middle East peace, a move that would be in every way comparable to Egyptian president Sadat’s making a speech in the Knesset in 1977.

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According to the report, Bin Salman’s circle of close advisers is divided between those who warn of the political fallout from a public handshake between him and Netanyahu in hard-line Muslim circles in Saudi Arabia and beyond and those who support the idea as the only one that can restore the American-Saudi relationship to its pre-Khashoggi state, especially after the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives gets seated in January. The consensus among the group of advisers is that if such a summit were to take place, it would require careful preparation of the Saudi and Muslim public opinion. PM Netanyahu, on his part, has been careful to avoid hurling insults at Saudi Arabia or its leadership, emphasizing instead the crucial role it can play in any future settlement of the Israeli – Arab conflict.

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