Central Europe News

Hungary To Criminalize Actions Of Those Enabling Migrants

Image by Gémes Sándor/SzomSzed

The government of the Central European nation of Hungary has long been in a fight with the European Union and the George Soros-funded NGOs which are enabling, and even pushing, the migration of economic migrants into Europe from North Africa and the Middle East, in an attempt to permanently alter the Continent, destroying its culture and security forever. Prime Minister Viktor Orban is now taking that fight to the next level by proposing to criminalize the activities of those facilitating illegal migration.

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“The legislation is the latest reported measure in Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s “Stop Soros” campaign following accusations that the Hungarian-born donor is trying to “create an immigrant continent.” If passed, it would make offering asylum seekers food, legal advice or printing leaflets with information a criminal offense in Hungary, the BBC reports. It added that the legislation would amend Hungary’s constitution to block other European Union countries from sending asylum-seekers there. Hungarian media is reported to have said that violators under the proposed laws would be sentenced to prison ranging from a few days to up to a year,” reported Fox News.

The ring leader of the migration effort, financier George Soros, reacted negatively to the news, “Indeed the whole of Europe has been disrupted by the refugee crisis,” Soros said during a speech in Paris at a European Council on Foreign Relations meeting. “Unscrupulous leaders have exploited it even in countries that have accepted hardly any refugees. In Hungary, Viktor Orban based his re-election campaign on falsely accusing me of planning to flood Europe, Hungary included, with Muslim refugees.”

George Soros Foundation Closing Offices In Hungary

Hungary recently forced Soros to move his ‘Open Society’ offices from Budapest to Berlin. The government thinks he is hiding something. “They don’t want the public to know exactly what they are engaged in and in what way,” Hungarian government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs told the Associated Press. “They want to create an immigrant continent and an immigrant country, but the Hungarian government and Hungarian laws are preventing them from doing so. For this reason they are fleeing abroad to avoid Hungarian law and will continue to apply pressure from there.”

In April, the Hungarian government had this to say about Soros, “No matter how many times George Soros goes to Brussels, no matter how many times the issue of illegal immigration is placed on the agenda, and no matter how many allies George Soros has in Brussels, we will not back down. Illegal immigrants will continue to not be allowed entry into Hungary in [the] future,” said Foreign Minister Szijjarto on April 18 in a comment featured on the government’s webpage. “Why are George Soros and his people in the European Parliament fighting against certain European countries instead of acting to combat terrorism?”

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