Middle East News

As Russia Withdraws, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran Set Sights On Jewish State (Video)


Iran and its terrorist army in the Levant, Hezbollah, has made no secret of their intention to target the Jewish State once the Assad regime’s hold on power is firmly ensconced and the Syrian Civil War winds down with the Islamic State retreating. It is also public knowledge that Iran has been coordinating with Hamas, the terrorist leadership of the Gaza Strip, one of the two Palestinian-held territories in Israel, for attacks on the Jewish State as well.

Russian Attack Jet Shot Down Over Syria By Rebels, Pilot Dead

Today an Israeli-Arab man used a vehicle to ram two Israeli soldiers, a border guard, and an Israeli civilian. He was shot multiple times and arrested. Luckily, there were no serious injuries.

“We bless the heroic and brave Acre operation, which is an important step in continuing the resistance against the crimes of the occupation,” the Gaza-based group Hamas said in a statement, reported The Times of Israel.

Tensions in the Levant have risen as Syrian forces, aligned with Hezbollah, have attempted to acquire and move Russian-built sophisticated weapons into the Golan Heights area to threaten Israel. Last week, a Syria drone penetrated Israeli airspace. The Israeli Air Force responded and an IAF F-16 was shot down. Israel counter-attacked with a massive assault on Syrian air-defense positions.

15 More Russians Killed In Syria By IED

Russia has removed a large percentage of force from the region as the Russian Presidential election approaches on March 18. Iran is attempting to fill this vacuum and establish as ‘Shia’ controlled corridor from Tehran to Damascus.

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