Central Europe News

EU Sets Date For Hungary, Poland To Take Migrant Share

The European Union, long upset with Hungary and Poland, and other Eastern European nations, for not accepting enough migrants in the view of Brussels, has given the two nations until June to do so, or face sanctions. The primarily economic migrants have flooded Europe by the millions and completely changed the face of the Continent, culturally and other ways.

“I call on Poland and Hungary who have not relocated a single person… to start doing so right now,” EU Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos told reporters, reported AFP.

“If no action is taken by them before the next (Commission) report in June, the Commission will not hesitate to make use of its powers under the treaties and to open infringement procedures,” he said.

Brussels can start legal proceedings to ask the non-compliant countries to produce reasons why they have not complied with Brussel’s orders, which are then referred to the European Court of Justice. If the answers are not deemed satisfactory, Brussels can impose heavy financial penalties.

It is unclear how Hungary or Poland will answer the challenge from the European Union capital. Either they cave to the European pressure or we could see further destabilization of the EU.

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