Central Asia News

South Ossetia Closes Border To Georgia Again

Image by Aris Katsaris

Residents of the Russian occupied Georgian region of Tskhinvali (South Ossetia) cannot use the crossing-point between the breakaway region and the rest of Georgia for next three days.


The de-facto administration of Tskhinvali is closing the border due to the “inauguration” of president-elect Anatoly Bibilov scheduled this Saturday, April 21.


Inauguration Of The President Of South Ossetia
Georgian Territories Occupied By Russia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia


Illegal presidential elections were held in Russian occupied Tskhinvali on April 9 together with a referendum on changing Tskhinvali region’s name to “the Republic of South Ossetia – the State of Alania”.


Georgia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine have denounced the illegal elections and the referendum in occupied Tskhinvali last week.


NATO condemned the illegitimate elections, referendum in Georgia’s occupied territories.

VIDEO: 4GB – Georgian Electronic Music Festival, 2017


Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili said earlier that any so-called elections or referendum in the occupied territories of Georgia are illegal and cannot have any legal effect.


More on this topic:

April 10, 2017 – South Ossetias’ Presidential Elections Condemned By Georgia, Called “Illegitimate” By U.S.

April 6, 2017 – De Facto Tskhinvali Closes Border To Georgia

March 17, 2017 – Georgian-Russian Tensions Over South Ossetia Raise Again

March 15, 2017 – Putin To Consolidate Power Over Georgia’s South Ossetia

March 14, 2017 – Putin Orders South Ossetian Soldiers Integrated Into Russian Army

February 27, 2017 – Tserovani – Russo-Georgian War Legacy

September 19, 2016 – Opinion: The Georgia Imperative For The West

August 27, 2016 – Separatist Region South Ossetia Celebrates Its Independence From Georgia

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