Eastern Europe News

Democracy Index In Post Soviet Countries and Eastern Europe

Democracy Index In Post Soviet Countries and Eastern Europe

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the research and analysis division of The Economist Group recently published a research on the Index of Democracy. The index research takes into account the electoral process and pluralism, civil liberties, government activities, public participation in the political life of the country and the political culture. 167 countries were analyzed in the study.


According to the study, the leading country in the post Soviet world is Estonia, ranking – 29. Czech Republic took 31st place, Slovenia – 37, Lithuania – 38, Latvia – 41, Slovakia – 42, Bulgaria – 47, Poland – 52, Croatia – 54, Hungary – 56, Serbia – 64, Moldova – 76, Georgia 78, Albania – 81, Montenegro – 85, Ukraine – 86, Macedonia – 95, Turkey – 97, Armenia in the ranking took place 120, Russia – 134 and Azerbaijan – 148.


The top five in the Index of democracy are Norway, Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand and Denmark. US Index took 21st place, Germany -13, and the UK – 16.


The five worst in the Index in descending order are Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic, Chad, Syria and North Korea.


See the full study here.

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