
Macron Employs Police Violence To Crush Dissent In France

French Police using tear gas against protesters, via Twitter

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Anti-globalist protesters turned out for the eighth time this year to protest the Macron regime’s pension reform, energy policies, and support for the war in Ukraine. Over 450,000 took to the streets in Paris, while another 1,700,000 protested across the country in more than 200 cities. Police turned out in force to block access to the National Assembly, Champs Elysees, and Place de la Concorde in the capital.

The strikes have disrupted public transport. 40% of high-speed trains and half the regional trains have been canceled. The Paris Metro has slowed, and France’s aviation authority warned of delays, saying 20% of the flights at Paris-Orly airport have been canceled. Garbage continues to pile up on the streets of Paris and other cities as trash collectors also remain on strike.

Many are saying that France is just one step away from civil war as the globalist regime of French President Emmanuel Macron ignores the demands of the protesters and French public opinion and pushes ahead with its anti-democratic agenda. The government has ordered the police to attack its political opponents in an attempt to intimidate and demoralize any opposition to Macron.

Protests in Paris on Wednesday, via Twitter

Police used tear gas and batons to disperse peaceful protesters. Video footage on social media shows French police in riot gear beating women and the elderly. Reporters were also being attacked. One video shows a camerawoman beaten and threatened by French police who also confiscated the protective glasses that shielded her from their tear gas.

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The government has also employed Black Blocs, an Antifa-like group, composed of masked militants dressed in all black to terrorize small businesses and disrupt the protests. The Macron regime seems to employ these groups in the same way that the Democrat Party in the United States uses Antifa as a private militia, reminiscent of the Nazi Brown Shirts in the 1930s.

Female journalist attacked and beaten by French police, via Twitter

The human rights violations taking place in France are shocking and if committed in any country outside of the Western Bloc they would be universally condemned as immoral and reprehensible. Of course, different standards apply to Western nations and authorities automatically accuse anyone opposed to their policies as being agents of foreign powers or enemies of “democracy.”

Despite the popular opposition, the government moved forward with the BlackRock-inspired retirement reform. The committee charged with reconciling the bills in the parliament and the Senate approved the plan and it is expected to be voted on in Parliament on Thursday. If the government does not have the votes to pass the bill in the lower house, they plan to implement the measure without a vote using an anti-democratic constitutional procedure known as article 49.3.

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