The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: Putting Lipstick On A Bradley Does Not Make Him A Chelsea
The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: Putting Lipstick On A Bradley Does Not Make Him A Chelsea.
The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: Putting Lipstick On A Bradley Does Not Make Him A Chelsea.
Opinion: The Boy Scouts Of America’s War On Boys.
Image by Peretz Partensky Protests are a hallmark of a healthy democracy! Right? Wrong! Democratic systems of governance such as the American Constitutional Republic are, as Lincoln so aptly put it at Gettysburg, “government(s) of the people by the people”. The implication of course is that in a well-functioning democracy…
The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: Trump Is The Perfect Antidote To Progressive Poison.
I think most would agree that what makes a country livable is the rule of law. The rule of law rests on three foundations: • Equal application of all laws. No laws are privileged above others; all are applied with equal ardor and no politicians or political appointees can decide…
It seems to me, folks that we’re in unchartered waters here. I’ve been spending some time trying to come up with historical precedents for the statue hysteria now engulfing the US and it’s time to admit defeat. The anti-pagan reforms of King Yoshiyahu (Josiah) in 7th century BCE come to…