Russia Is A Devious Adversary, But Threat To The Republic Is Coming From Corrupt, Power-Hungry Dems
Russia Is A Devious Adversary, But Threat To The Republic Is Coming From Corrupt, Power-Hungry Dems.
Russia Is A Devious Adversary, But Threat To The Republic Is Coming From Corrupt, Power-Hungry Dems.
The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: Obama Loved Iran Because It Wanted What He Wanted-The Destruction Of America.
This Isn’t About Trump, It’s About Keeping Obama And Hillary Out Of The Big House.
Image by DonkeyHotey I had a long conversation with a liberal friend of mine the other day, a friend I haven’t spoken to for some time. Although he’s “progressive,” he does listen to what I have to say, doesn’t dismiss my opinions outright, and hence still can be called a…
Stalin famously remarked that when it came to elections it was not the voters whose opinions counted, it was the opinions of those who counted the votes that carried the day. This opinion is widely shared today by the global elites in places like Beijing, Moscow, Brussels, and Washington DC….
“Son Of A Bitch Got Fired!”: Joe Biden Brags He Forced Ukraine To Fire Key Official In Exchange For Money.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines sedition as follows: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority. John Kerry and the Obama shadow government seem to have once again, crossed that line. “Ma’ariv reported that former US Secretary of State John Kerry met in London with a close associate of Palestinian…
President Obama’s foreign policy was notable for headline-grabbing deals with enemies such as Iran and Cuba, and the abandonment of dissidents there and elsewhere. But under the radar, his administration’s trademark was promoting progressive pet projects as new national-security priorities, and bullying “bitter clingers” who resisted them, even when they…
Opinion: Obama’s Legacy Leaves Putin As The Man To See In The Middle East.