
Alex Jones Is Right – China Is The Threat, And It May Be Too Late

With the recent news about the monopoly of hi-tech companies in the United States de-platforming Alex Jones from their systems, in effect, attempting to limit the audience that see his material, it would be wise for Americans to look deeper at the agenda behind this move. I have come to believe the reasons for this action are much more sinister than ‘blocking hate speech’, which is a euphemism for censorship.

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Before you start screaming about Sandy Hook, let me first make clear that I lived in Newtown, CT during the shootings. I am not vouching for Alex Jones. I cannot condone what he said during that time, although now he recants much of it. My son’s piano teacher’s son was murdered. The tragedy touched our family and I can confirm for sure the shootings were very real. I know other families personally who lost their children and I understand the unbearable pain these people will feel for the rest of their lives.

But, that is not the point here. The point of this article is to discuss threats to the United States…now let us please proceed.

Where Alex Jones has been very spot on – is the threat that communist China poses to our future and our way of life, and how this threat has corrupted our government, our education system, and much of our hi-tech industry.

Did you know that Google just opened an artificial intelligence center in China, formed to help China jump ahead of the United States in this crucial technology? “The science of AI has no borders, neither do its benefits,” Fei-Fei Li, chief scientist at Google’s AI business said recently in a blog post. Interesting isn’t it? I guess he doesn’t know China has a huge internet border called the great fire wall, where it prevents its citizens from knowing global truth. Did you know at the same time Google recently let a Department of Defense contract expire without renewal due to their engineer’s refusal to work for the DOD, or to put another way, refused to defend America?

Did you know Apple is assisting China in its vast Orwellian censorship of the internet by deleting apps off its platform China doesn’t like?

Last evening I decided to watch Mark Levin’s new show on Fox News; the subject was fascinating. The guest was Michael Pillsbury, a China expert with decades of experience working in the U.S. government for multiple administrations. His comments were chilling. He has just released a work titled, The Hundred Year Marathon. I downloaded the book and stayed up all night to read it. Here are the take aways:

1. False assumption number 1: Enagement with China brings complete cooperation. It hasn’t. After decades of America assisting in China’s rise, they are more of a threat now to our way of life and security than ever.

2. False assumption number 2: China is on the road to democracy. They are not. They are a hard core totalitarian system that seeks domination over the United States.

3. False assumption number 3: China is a fragile power. They are not. This is a ruse to lull the West to sleep over their true designs, until it is too late, adhering to ancient Chinese tactics. (The Art of War)

4. False assumption number 4: China wants to be, and is, just like us. They are not. In decades, China will still be a hostile adversary, bent on our subjugation to their power. Only then, their economy will be much larger than ours. They are using deception and subterfuge to blind us to their true goals of conquest.

5. False assumption number 5: Chinese hawks are weak within China. On the contrary, they control policy making and are hostile to the United States.

I encourage everyone to read this book; it is an eye opener and will make you lose sleep at night, as the truth always does.

Now the de-platforming of Alex Jones makes perfect sense. I can see a conversation between Beijing and our tech titans, Get rid of Alex Jones or else.

And what about all this anti-Trump rhetoric coming from our media, from Hollywood, from the Democratic Party, from academia? They are all bought and paid for by the Chicoms. Remember Bill Clinton renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to the Chinese? Most Hollywood studios are now owned by the Chinese, dictating what the American public sees. I have been trying to get a movie produced in Hollywood about the Korean War, about a book I wrote called Lost Bastards. A story of the heroism of the American soldier. In other words, a movie about killing Chinese. Every time we get close with a major Hollywood entity, they get bought by Beijing.

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Did you know there are 300,000 Chinese students now in the United States, sending all their research, patents, and proprietary information home to the Chinese communists? They are embedded in our government, in our schools, in our media and entertainment industry, and in our technology.

This is truly scary stuff.

After all, the Democrats are leftists…socialism is just communism lite. Who is funding all this socialist propaganda we are seeing exploding across America? Well, China is. I have written previously about the ‘Confuscious Centers’ in over 100 our of universities, controlling academic priorities.

Of course the Marxists don’t want Trump in power. He stands for everything that they hate – freedom, the rule of law, the values of the American founders, free market capitalism.

We truly are in a perilous time for our republic.

And what about Russia you ask? Russia is a very small economy that is most likely getting smaller. They do not have anywhere near the capability the Chinese do to alter our way of life and threaten our security, except of course their nuclear weapons which are unusable short of the apocalypse. Russia is getting its lunch eaten by the Chinese in Siberia, where Beijing has acquired long-term ‘leases’ for Russian land and raw materials. They have negotiated cut-rate contracts where Russia is basically paying China to take their gas after Western sanctions. Perhaps this is why Putin wants to talk to Trump, to find some common ground on how to move forward. Perhaps he realized he is not getting that land back from China.

Russia has tried to divide America and bought some Facebook ads on the internet. They are not an existential threat. The Russia narrative is a hoax, to cover up something else much darker. Of course their behavior has been adversarial and has to be confronted where need be – NATO borders need to be protected, but the real threat to America is from China.

Alex Jones knows this and has been telling us and he has been right. Now the Chinese just stopped you from hearing it.

Originally posted at The Washington Times

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