Middle East

Former Iraqi Hizballah Fighter: Militia Weapons Storage In Iraq Could Lead To Explosion Like Beirut

Former Iraqi Hizballah Fighter: Militia Weapons Storage In Iraq Could Lead To Explosion Like Beirut

Location: Baghdad

The following is based on interviews. The first interview is with Omer, 23 (a former fighter with Ktaeb Hizballah, and resident of Sadr City): There are a lot of places in Baghdad used for this purpose. There are almost 50 locations in Sadr City in Baghdad used for storage of weapons and other materiel. The section 52 Zahara mosque (in Sadr City) is controlled by Saraya Al-Salam (the militia of Muqtada al-Sadr). Habibia (Husainia house) is controlled by Asaib Ahl al-Haq. Baladyiat 2,  is controlled by Ktaeb Hizballah. In  Section 34, there is another mosque controlled by Saraya al-Salam.  

The most dangerous site to my knowledge is an area used for storage and manufacture of weapons at the  mosque in section 52. It belongs to Saraya al-Salam.

I found out this information when they arrested me in the Baghdad demonstrations.  I was interrogated by members of the Saraya Salam brigade. They investigated me in the same place and there were other demonstrators there when I arrived there. The place they took me in was section 52 in Sadr city. There I was taken to a Husainia house (A house receiving people coming on pilgrimage to a holy shrine). I saw a huge storage of weapon there – light and heavy weapons,  rockets, and armored cars…

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