Middle East

UPDATE – VIDEO From Inside: Demonstrators in Iranian Universities chanting “DEATH TO THE DICTATOR”

VIDEO From Inside: Demonstrators in Iranian Universities chanting "DEATH TO THE DICTATOR"


Book Launch: THE UNTOLD STORY OF THE IRANIAN RESISTANCE – The People’s Mujahideen Of Iran


Comments of Shahin Gobadi, a press spokesman of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK) based in Paris.

The protest by thousands of Iranians in Tehran and a number of other cities last night and today, in which people were chanting slogans like ‘Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, resign, resign,’ makes it palpably clear that the Iranian people demand the mullahs’ overthrow.

The protesters openly blamed and challenged the IRGC, the regime’s power base for decades. This marks vividly indicated a new phase of more defiance in Iran as the regime has become much weaker.  In chanting against the Shah’s regime and the current religious fascism, the protesters showed that they reject despotism in any shape and form and democracy is the only way forward.

The protests undercut the regime’s propaganda subsequent to the termination of Qassem Soleimani.  Not only the protesters tore down his posters in Tehran and elsewhere, they also chanted “Soleimani is a murderer, so is his leader (Ali Khamenei).” They condemned the shooting down of the Ukrainian airliner and lashed out at the regime for lying about it.

In the aftermath of the November anti-regime protests in 191 cities throughout Iran in which the regime killed more than 1,500 protesters, wounded 4,000 and arrested 12,000, the tide has turned against the regime.


Targeting a Ukrainian passenger jet with a missile fired by IRGS Air Force anti-aircraft weapon that killed 176 passengers was a crime against humanity. This unprecedented development wounded all human hearts. Following this heartbreaking incident, students at Iranian universities from 17:00 pm local time, on  21 January 2020, as previously announced by students in Sharif, Tehran, Amir Kabir, Moallem and Babol University held a protest rally in solidarity with the victims of the incident and chanted slogans such as;  Khamenei is a killer-his government is void, Fear not, we are all together! Basiji be afraid we are all together, The Basiji is the killer of our nation, We will kill whoever killed our brothers.

Security forces fired tear gas to disperse the protesters.

Students of Amir Kabir University’s directed their slogans at Khamenei and the Revolutionary Guards beat and chanted, our shame our stupid leader.

Al-Arabiya television cut its regular programming covers the uprising of students and people in Tehran.

Al-Arabiya reflects the slogans of the people against Khamenei and says the people demanding the supreme leader to quit.

Euronews breaking news said: as Iranians’ uprising slogans against Khamenei is at its peak.

The regime has slowed down and cut off internet access as soon as news and clips were posted on social networks.

Students chant Khamenei another slogan: IRGC dictator – You are Daesh (ISIS) to us.

Our disgrace, our disgrace, our state Radio &TV, Basiji is the killer of our nation

We did not have casualty to praise the killer leader.

IRGC be ashamed and leave the country.

People and students have gathered in front of Sharif and Poly-technic Universities. Security forces have fired tear gas into some areas, including Hafez Street.

Around 7 pm, students tore down a large banner or poster of Qassem Suleimani.

Students at Sharif University in Tehran shouted boldly in their ranks Death to the lying leader (Khamenei)!

US state department tweeted on Jan 11: We know that the protesters in Iran are fighting for the right to choose their own future – and we stand with them.

Secretary Pompeo tweeted: The voice of the Iranian people is clear. They are fed up with the regime’s lies, corruption, ineptitude, and brutality of the IRGC under kleptocracy. We stand with the Iranian people who deserve a better future.

President Donald Trump tweeted: “America stands with the people of Iran in their courageous struggle for freedom.”

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