Eastern Europe

Germany Roiled By “Political Earthquake”: Navy Chief Resigns After Saying “Putin Deserves Respect”, Warning China Is “Not A Nice Country”

Image by Markus Szyszkowitz

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Just as the covid narrative is slowly disintegrating even as its MSM propaganda powers “cancel” anyone who dares to speak out against the lies  – so the “Russia is about to invade Ukraine” plotline just suffered a major blow after the chief of Germany’s navy, vice-admiral Kay-Achim Schönbach , said on Friday that Crimea “will never come back”, and that what Putin “really wants is respect…and it is easy to give him the respect he really demands – and probably deserves.”

And sure enough, just one day later, on Saturday evening, he resigned from his post for having the temerity to speak out against conventional wisdom.

“I have asked Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht to relieve me from my duties with immediate effect,” Schoenbach said in a statement cited by the Reuters news agency.

To read more visit Zero Hedge.

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1 comment

Walkin O'Shea January 28, 2022 at 9:04 pm

Vice-Admiral Kay-Achim Schönbach is absolutely correct in his assessment. For too long Russia has been treated as a second class world citizen. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Mr. Putin brought Russia into line with what a real world power is and how it should act and be treated on the international stage. The world now sees Russia as a serious and timely power. As the US and every other country in the world are focused on Russia, China carries on as if they are sacrosanct. The real enemy is not Russia but China, and that is where the attention should be focused.


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