Eastern Europe

Sorry Corrupt Media, Even The Soviets Used UV Light For Decades To Kill Viruses

Sorry Corrupt Media, Even The Soviets Used UV Light For Decades To Kill Viruses

As the corrupt Western media goes full bore with fake news ridiculing Donald Trump’s suggestion that ultraviolet light be ‘injected’ into patients in order to help kill the Chinese coronavirus, old photographs are surfacing showing the first socialist state – The Soviet Union – routinely used UV light for decades to improve the health of its citizens.

Ruh, row, what’s our socialist wanna-be AOC going to say now?

Reproduced from Holidays in Soviet Sanatoriums, just out from FUEL Publishing, this photograph captures vacationers at the Aurora sanatorium in Kyrgyzstan—one of the poorest post-Soviet states. This particular treatment involves placing ultraviolet light-emitting sterilization lamps in the ear, nose or throat to kill bacteria, viruses and fungi, writes Artbook.com

Children were also routinely given does of UV to improve health.

They are standing in front of a lamp we Russians call a “quartz” lamp. It has many uses:

  • Disinfecting a room. Typically one that has a sick person in it. You turn that thing on while the sick person is downstairs eating or showering, and then you can quartz that room when they go back to their own.
  • These are in hospitals and are on when the room is empty. Infection is a major problem in hospitals and this can help keep it lower.
  • kills acne on the face/body, writes a poster on Reddit.

But hey, the corrupt media knows this; they just don’t want you to know it.

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