Balkans News

Albania PM Rama and Kosovar PM Haradinaj Announce Open Borders

During the fifth common meeting of the Kosovar and Albanian governments in Peja, Prime Minister Edi Rama and Kosovar Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj announced Kosovo and Albania will open the borders between both countries for goods and people by unifying customs procedures, removing checks, and abolishing import taxes, as was previously announced by Minister for Diaspora Pandeli Majko in August. At the same time, Kosovo recently implemented a 100% tax on goods imported from Serbia.

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Several media also reported that Prime Ministers Rama and Haradinaj had decided on the unification of the two countries in 2025 unless both would become a member of the European Union with Serbia. Prime Minister Rama stated:

Let’s make a budget for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to produce an analytical and strategic document. A demographic, social, etc. document – I know what they’ll say in Belgrade, but I only care about the unification of the Albanians. We have to put an end to the two-faced situation. We have one face, which is red and black, and we’ll confront any challenge. […]

We will continue decidedly on the road of the unification of the Albanians. We want this unification under the umbrella of the European Union and we want it as soon as possible.

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Prime Minister Edi Rama has in the past threatened repeatedly that he would seek unification with Kosovo if accession negotiations wouldn’t be opened. This year, the European Council set a new evaluation date in June 2019, after the upcoming European elections and local elections in Albania, together with the demand of considerable progress in the five key areas of reform, as well as a comprehensive reform of the Electoral Code.

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