Eastern Europe News

Ukraine Is The Best Kept Secret In California’s Startup Scene

Image by Nick Grapsy
Saint George Cathedral (1696-1701) and bell tower (1727-1733), Kiev, Ukraine

It sounds like a near perfect scenario for California-based startups looking to expand engineering teams abroad — low wages, a vibrant social scene and over 150,000 developers for hire. This can all be found in Ukraine, where, according to PwC (via BBC News), the country’s annual economic output coming from IT outsourcing grew fivefold from 2011 to 2015. As a result, IT is now the third-largest export in Ukraine behind agriculture and mining.

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Home to an estimated 40-plus million people, Ukraine has quietly become a hub for outsourced IT labor in Europe as costs for developers continues to rise in EU countries. But even in recent articles about Ukraine’s growing tech economy, there’s still much conflation between “product developers” and “outsourcer engineers.”

From every data point we have witnessed, working for an outsourcer and working for a product company are two completely different skill sets…

To read more visit Forbes.

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