Eastern Europe News

“Dead” Ukrainian Fugitive Found Living Like A King In Actual French Castle

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A “high-profile” Ukrainian fugitive who faked his own death was discovered hiding out in a 12th-century French feudal castle known as Château de La Rochepot, living like a king, according to Bloomberg. The man allegedly forged death certificates to evade authorities following an anti-corruption crackdown in which he stands accused of stealing 12 million euros from a private company between March to May of 2015.

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The fugitive, identified only as the “King of the Castle” by the European Union’s law-enforcement agency Europol, was detained on Oct. 5 near Dijon, according to a Tuesday statement. Officers recovered 4.6 million euros ($5.3 million) of property, including a 12th-century feudal castle, a vintage Rolls Royce Phantom, jewelry and three works of art by Salvador Dali. In parallel, the spokeswoman of Ukraine’s prosecutor general said the country will seek to extradite Dmytro Malynovskyi from France. -Bloomberg

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