Eastern Europe News

Russian Political Video: Not Voting Can Make You Gay

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A Russian political advertisement for regional elections equates not voting with being gay, attempting to scare people to go to the polls.

An advertisement for Russian regional elections this fall has sparked controversy by suggesting that not voting is for gay people, with a video showing two men arguing against voting before undressing each other. A commercial ahead of the March 2018 presidential elections also played on prejudices against gay people to warn in graphic terms that not voting could lead to homosexuality. The video painted a dystopian future including a law that would force otherwise straight men to live with a “gay homestay,” reported The Moscow Times.

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In the latest ad, two young men criticize elections as “an illusion of democracy” and vow not to vote as they are seen walking through a city, sitting in a park and riding a bus. Then the video moves into a bedroom. “They’re amoral. They think they can fool the people,” one is heard saying as the two casually undress each other. “Let the others go and vote. We have more important things to do,” the man says as he unbuckles his belt and closes the door in front of the camera.

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