
A Night For Freedom’s Big Tent

There are many competing movements vying for the soul of the Republican Party. One only has to look at the overwhelming success of the Trump presidency to see that the GOP had been neglecting Middle America in favor of the open-border, cheap labor globalists for decades, to its detriment. Today, the stranglehold big business held on the Republican establishment has been diminished, in favor of new thought leaders who bring new ideas, and new members, to the party. A Night For Freedom, a growing crusade developed by internet sensation Mike Cernovich, is one of these movements. I was privileged to attend a recent event in Washington, D.C. over the weekend, after attending CPAC.

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The first thing that impressed me was the class, and yes, the diversity, of the attendees. These were well-dressed people, from all walks of life, talking big ideas. Many flew in from the far-flung regions of America to attend.

There were whites, blacks, and Latinos, young and old, Christians, Jews, atheists, and yes, Muslims. No one seemed to care about your race, ethnicity, religion, or economic status; what people did care about was your love for America and your views on how to stop the Marxist sickness infecting the country.

The event, held at the City Club in D.C., started with an hour-plus panel that included plenty of intimate dialogue with the audience, where “America First” issues were discussed at length. Milo Yiannopoulos was one of the panelists. The seriousness of the discussion was palpable. There was no ranting, or raving, just the intellectual pursuit of how to restore the grandeur to this great nation. The narrative in the corrupt media about these events could not be farther from the truth — that is on purpose, of course. A movement that is colorblind and only looks to raise the fortunes of all Americans is a dangerous cocktail for the left and its identity-politics agenda.

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Of course, Antifa showed up. The group was small and rather pathetic. It seems the main Antifa army had gone to Maryland instead of D.C. in an attempt to protest the event, their quest unsuccessful. The first “A Night For Freedom” in New York saw an attendee assaulted, beaten, strangled, and almost murdered by an Antifa thug. The protestors this time were chanting, “Up against the wall! You say red pill, we say lead pill!” But of course, the event attendees are the supposed violent Nazis.

Everyone inside had a great time. The after-party was at Trump International Hotel in D.C. Yiannopoulos attended this party as well.

Don’t believe what you hear in the press. This movement is real and growing. Expect to hear more in the near future as the crusade to “Make America Great Again” continues.

Originally posted at The Washington Times

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