
Thousands Of Saakashvili Supporters March Through Kyiv, Demand Impeachment

Screenshot RFERL

Thousands of supporters of ex-Georgian leader and former Governor of Ukraine’s Odessa Mikheil Saakashvili, who now leads the Ukrainian oppositions’ Movement of New Forces, are marching across central Kiev demanding change of power in the country, and President Petro Poroshenko’s resignation.

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“We are resuming our protests,” the rally’s participant said. “We see clearly that they [authorities] cannot be trusted, and we are sure the regime will not make it to spring.” The protesters chant calls for resignations and for legal responsibility. They call for impeachment of President Pyotr Poroshenko, for new parliament, where “300 independent Spartans-deputies,” whose term would be one year – to adopt laws to change the power system in the country. The third demand is a new government, which will implement the program dubbed “70 Days of New Power,” reported Russian state news agency TASS.

The participants are marching from Shevchenko Park to European Square, holding Ukrainian flags and red-and-black party banners and shouting slogans such as “Resignation” and “Ukraine without oligarchs,” reported RFERL.

Ukraine Strips Ex-Georgian President Saakashvili Of Citizenship

Saakashvili has been stripped of his Ukrainian citizenship by the government in Kyiv, and arrested, placed under evening house arrest. He resigned from the governorship of Odessa citing the corruption of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

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