Eastern Europe News

Over 80% Of Russians Abhor Gay Sex, Think It Should Be Condemned

Image by Allure

Over 80% of the Russian population abhors gay sex, finds it reprehensible, and thinks it should be condemned. Opposition to infidelity and abortion has also increased, according to a new poll by independent Russian pollster Levada. The study, using the personal interview method, was conducted across the Russian Federation, in rural and urban areas. The poll shows a marked shift in cultural views over the last twenty years and corresponds with a growth in affinity for Christianity and the Russian Orthodox Church.

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Those Russians against infidelity and sex out of marriage increased from 50% to 68%. The percentage of Russians that consider same sex relations as worthy of condemnation increased from 68% to 81%. The percentage of Russian society against abortion rose from 12% to 35%. The changes were measured over the last ten years.

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Much has been made of the Russian gay propaganda law which forbids teaching the ‘gay lifestyle’ to children within Russia. The law does not advocate or allow violence against homosexuals, discrimination, or persecution. However, many inside Russia have used it as an excuse for such retribution. Many homosexuals have left the Russian Federation for this reason, with most going to the United States or Europe.

Seeking asylum against physical violence and persecution is allowed inside the United States for instance; those with HIV can obtain asylum and then get free medication from the government to treat the disease.

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