Central Europe News

EU Takes Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic To Court To Push Acceptance Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of Islamic ‘Refugees’

Image by Joachim Seidler

The European Commission today said it will take Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic to the European Court of Human Rights over their refusal to admit hundreds of thousands of Islamic migrants into the country. The charges would also be related to Hungary’s new laws on NGOs and its fight against George Soros and his agenda of open borders in Europe.

“In a series of legal announcements, the European Commission said it was taking Budapest to the bloc’s top court, the Luxembourg-based European Court of Justice, over its NGO laws as well as a higher education law that has targeted a Budapest university founded by U.S. financier George Soros. Brussels also confirmed it was taking Hungary – along with eastern EU peers Poland and the Czech Republic – to the tribunal over refusing to host asylum-seekers under an EU-wide quota system. It has in addition stepped up its legal case against Budapest over Hungary’s asylum laws,” reported Reuters.

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The migrant problem stems from the southern periphery countries of the EU that have taken the brunt of the migrant invasion. The EU worked out an allotment for other nations inside the bloc to accept to alleviate the pressure on Italy and Greece primarily. The Visegrad Group of Eastern European nations generally refused this demand, save Slovakia which worked out a resolution with the EU.

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Although some of the migrants are legitimately fleeing war and persecution from ISIS in the past, it is generally accepted that the majority are ‘economic migrants’ who simply want to live in the European Union, drawn by the open doors in Germany, France, and elsewhere. The Eastern bloc has also seen the cultural destruction, crime, terror, and female abuse self-inflicted by Western Europe and want no part of it. Hence, they have refused to accept more refugees on asylum claims. This is the point where Europe is attempting to apply significant leverage to force compliance.

In addition, the EU Commission stated they will also bring Hungary to court over its targeting of Leftist NGOs who are funded by George Soros, and the attempt to throttle a university in Budapest linked to the billionaire champion of culturally Marxist causes. Soros is also alleged to be enabling the migrant crisis but funding organizations that are helping the migrants push into Europe from North Africa and the Middle East.

In an update, Poland declared it is ready to defend its position on migrants to the ECHR. “Poland is ready to defend its position in the Court,” Szymanski told state news agency PAP. “No one will lift the duty of providing public safety from the Polish government,” reported Reuters.

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