Column 1 News

Stalinist Practice Of Turning In Your Neighbor Returning To Russia

  Stalinist Practice Of Turning In Your Neighbor Returning To Russia
Image by Dr. Andreas Hugentobler

The word donos — the act of ratting on someone to authorities — is a hallmark of Stalin’s Great Terror. In those troubling times, a single denunciation from a neighbor, colleague or relative was enough to have an innocent person interned in labor camps. Sometimes, worse. Donos was the foundation of society — one built on fear and the knowledge that anyone could suddenly vanish.

But donos was also a way to get ahead in life. It provided a way to deflect attention. Over time, as consequences became less severe, the power of donos faded, but it never disappeared entirely.

Today, it is making an unexpected comeback in Russia…

To Read More Visit The Moscow Times

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