
Putin Is Ready To Give Up Venezuela For The Right Price

Putin Is Ready To Give Up Venezuela For The Right Price
Image by Kremlin.ru

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are heading towards a contentious meeting in Finland (their first since the Helsinki summit last year) with the crisis in Venezuela crowding out almost all other items on the agenda.

Last week, Russia and Cuba may have thwarted a U.S. backed plot to engineer a peaceful transfer of power from Nicolas Maduro to a transitional government led by interim president Juan Guaido and Venezuela’s top officials, including Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino and Supreme Court Chief Justice Maikel Moreno…

To read more visit The Moscow Times.

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1 comment

Joe Mudd May 7, 2019 at 2:55 pm

Setting a precedent like this would be beyond stupid.
This is NOT up for negotiation.


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