AnalysisThe Hi-Tech Traditionalist: Is America’s Military Loyal To Its Commander In Chief?Baruch Pletner,PhD,MBADecember 21, 2018 by Baruch Pletner,PhD,MBADecember 21, 20180135503 The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: Is America's Military Loyal To Its Commander In Chief?...
Book ReviewsANASTASIA AGAIN: The Hidden Secret Of The RomanovsJ Froebel-ParkerMarch 2, 2018June 10, 2018 by J Froebel-ParkerMarch 2, 2018June 10, 201809552 Did Anastasia Make It Out Alive? Tsarizm To Release New Evidence Since the day that a monastery representative approached this author with a box of...
Column 1 OpinionThe Hi-Tech Traditionalist: The Day Russia Ceased To ExistBaruch Pletner,PhD,MBANovember 8, 2017December 13, 2017 by Baruch Pletner,PhD,MBANovember 8, 2017December 13, 201704331 This day 100 years ago a thousand-year old political entity known as Russia ceased to exist. This entity was spread over an area greater than...