
China Has Figured Out American Courts Don’t Care About National Security

China Has Figured Out American Courts Don't Care About National Security

It looks like China has been tuning in faithfully to the Trump-Russia Show over the last two years, especially the episode about illegal immigration. You know — the one where the judicial branch of government prevents the commander-in-chief from actually ensuring the national security of the United States.

From blocking the president’s travel ban on dangerous countries where terrorists breed, to enabling an invasion on our southern border, the Obama-appointed judges have been working overtime to frustrate the country’s duly elected commander in chief, for all the world to see.

Now it’s China’s turn to take advantage of our capricious legal system.

Obviously, Beijing’s corporate darling, Huawei, the 5G global giant that wants to fill our telecom networks with spying equipment that will send all our data back to China, has been was watching the events in the U.S. closely the past two years as well.

With the Trump administration applying maximum pressure on the Chinese government to stop stealing our technology and undermining fair trade, and with Congress passing legislation to prevent the sale of Huawei and ZTE equipment to U.S. government agencies, it seems Beijing is taking the path of least resistance in its drive to become the world’s dominant hegemon — the American court system.

Hey, it worked for illegal immigrants seeking political asylum here, so why not Huawei?

This week the Chinese company sued the U.S. government in Texas, where its U.S. headquarters is located.

Glen Nager, lead counsel for Huawei, told CNBC Thursday that Washington’s pressure campaign is “damaging Huawei’s reputation and it’s limiting the ability of Huawei to provide its innovative products, including 5G, to consumers in the United States.”

Huawei, he added, “hopes that it can engage in a constructive conversation with the president and his administration over how to bring these innovative technologies and Huawei competition to the United States while providing full assurance of security for the United States of America.”

So let me get this straight — the legislative and the executive branches of the United States of America are not allowed to set the foreign policy of the nation? The judges are now in charge?

Should we be forced to buy Iranian oil now? Should we be forced to let Russian spies stay in the country? Should we be forced to allow as many Chinese that want to come into the United States to have anchor babies? Should we be forced to let all of Latin America into our country illegally?

This is where our courts are heading.

You can’t blame China. With the rampant judicial bias shown by the 9th Circuit and the other jurisdictions where liberals always file their cases, Beijing would be negligent if it didn’t try to get its way through our legal system.

Heck, I’m all for impeachment, just not for President Trump. I’m for impeaching judges who go against the U.S. Constitution for political reasons, in a quest for political power.

That’s what happens Russia, China, Iran, or any other dictatorship. It should not be happening here.

It’s wrong. And it needs to stop, yesterday.

Mr. Trump’s opponents have used the judiciary to impose their will, knowing very well they can never rely on political popularity to get their way. So therefore — poof! — let’s import a new electorate and get all those deplorables hooked on opioids. 

What is going on in our country has been well planned, going back many years. And it is working.

If we want our country back, if we want our foreign policy to reflect our democratic choices, if we want any kind of freedom for our children and grandchildren, this abuse of the judiciary has to be stopped, before it’s too late.

Originally posted at The Washington Times

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1 comment

Rick Thomason March 8, 2019 at 7:33 am

Nothing new. They’ve known we care nothing about national security since bubba took campaign cash from China and gave them our secret rocket technology.


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