I don’t know where to start.
I guess I am a Russian agent now, too? I respect President Donald J. Trump. So, I am in good company.
Where to begin? How about we begin with the facts.
I started Tsarizm.com in 2015 because I thought the West in general had very little knowledge of what actually goes on in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet territories.
I chose the name because I thought the word encompassed the entire region once controlled by the tsars, which is a very large geographic area indeed, including parts of the United States. Tsarizm.com is just one regional website among many that we control.
I have nothing to do with the Russian government. I have never received any money from the Russian government, nor anyone associated with them. They have invited me to attend several conferences, all of which I refused.
In fact, I have never even met a Russian official. If visitors take the time to read our site, they will quickly learn much of our coverage has been very critical of the Kremlin. I served in my country’s armed forces, and I am a patriot. I defend America and American values.
We in America have other values, other standards, including freedom of the press.

My company is based in America, owned and run by Americans. The effort has grown into a global news outlet, one that is attempting to compete with the big wire services in the long term. The global parent site is called CD Media at CreativeDestructionMedia.com. We have partnered with Exit.al in Albania to report on the Balkans, as I think the area is a powder keg and very important for world peace.
Today, I received a call informing me that one of our contributors in Albania, Alice Taylor, did an interview with RT to explain what is going on in Albania. She is not paid by us, but we reprint her articles from Exit.al from time to time.
(If case you haven’t noticed, there is a governmental crisis in Albania, as there are some audio tapes about rigging the election I hear?)
So what? Does that make her or myself a Russian agent? I get calls all the time from media companies all over the world to conduct interviews and I do most of them, including Turkey, the BBC, South Africa, Israel, et cetera, et cetera.
I have never met Alice, but found her writing to be honest, emotional, and caring. We value having access to her work, though now I will have to pay her for sure! From what I can tell, she is a very good person, who actually cares about Albania and the people she has met there.
Now, the government wants to destroy her? A pregnant woman? How brave of them. These must be those famous Albanian warriors I have heard about.
It appears media linked to Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama (www.javanews.al, www.alpnews.al)–which are being used for attacks against his critics, without evidence or the slightest evidentiary standard–have claimed Tsarizm is a Russian propaganda site, and connected to a Russia lobbyist.
Be warned, we are hiring counsel.
It’s a hack job, a smear sanctioned by the Albanian government that has employed the same tactics against every critic of the regime, including important European politicians such as Gunther Krichbaum, whom they accused of being a Russian spy.
The Albanian tabloids mention Yuri Vanetik, whose only connection to Tsarism is that he has written one article for the website on Ukraine; he is Ukrainian and not Russian. (Pssst…there is a war going on between Russia and Ukraine in case you haven’t noticed, with 10,000 dead last time I checked).
By the way, Boris Johnson is English, not Russian, as was Zbigniew Brzezinski and hundreds of thousand of Americans with Russian origin.
There is no board and there is no one sitting on the board. Everything claimed in reference to a board, are lies. One simply does not exist.
There is one thing that the Rama government needs to know. You picked on the wrong guy, and the wrong company. You should know, we have friends in VERY high places. We will make sure this story gets A LOT of attention.
Consequently, thanks for giving our new media company lots of clicks. We appreciate it!