Column 3 Opinion

Opinion: Putin Could Cement Relations With Israel By Vetoing UN Settlement Resolution

Israel And Russia Manage Relations Over Syria

Anti-Israel forces in Europe and the United States are massing to force through an anti-Israel vote in the United Nations condemning Israeli settlement activity and ignoring Palestinian terror and the killing/maiming of Jews. It is obvious President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are behind the effort to permanently hurt Israel in its quest for a free, secure, and open society in the Middle East.

Due to the 8 years of betrayal of the long-term American ally by the Obama administration and the appeasement of the world’s largest supporter of terror, the Islamic Republic of Iran, in its nuclear quest, the relationship between Israel and America is at its lowest point in history.

This cooling of relations has forced Israel into the orbit of Vladimir Putin as Russia has filled the power vacuum in the Middle East. The U.S. withdrew from Iraq and Afghanistan and refused to follow through on threats to remove Assad from power after his use of weapons of mass destruction against his own people. Russia is now calling the shots. The Israeli and Russian military have worked out a system of peaceful coexistence in the Levant and Syria.

The Russian president could cement the new relationship between Israel and Moscow by vetoing the UN resolution that Obama is pushing hard to ram through before he leaves office. It would be a master stroke of geopolitical chess and forever put the Jewish State in Russia’s debt.

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