Column 3

Czech Army To Send Medics, Trainers To Iraq

Czech Army sends trainers to IraqThe Czech government has approved a plan to help fight Islamic State militants as NATO member countries look to deepen involvement against the terrorist group. The deployment will be comprised of medical personnel and additional military instructors being sent to Iraq.

“Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka announced the movement of forces Wednesday.

The Defense Ministry says a surgical field team of up to 17 people will be sent to a U.S. Navy’s base located some 70 kilometers (44 miles) south of Mosul and treat injured Iraqi and coalition soldiers.

In 2017, the country will also be in a position to deploy instructors to Iraq depending on the needs of the Iraqi armed forces. Earlier this year, the Czechs deployed 31 instructors to Iraq to train pilots for Czech-made planes.

The deployment still requires parliamentary approval,” reports Associated Press.

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