Middle East

Who Is Adnan Zarfi (Zurufi), The New Iraqi PM Designate

Who Is Adnan Zarfi (Zurufi), The New Iraqi PM Designate

Who is Adnan al-Zarfi (Zurufi عدنان الزرفي), the man tasked with forming yet another Iraqi government on March 17 by President Barham Salih. after almost six months of uncertainty, protests and increasing US-Iran tensions in Iraq, he has a major job ahead of himself. He will have a huge task ahead of him to try to build a coalition, deal with the rising anti-US rocket attacks by Iranian-backed groups, rebuild Sunni areas, fight an ISIS insurgency, come to a budget agreement with the autonomous Kurdish region and manage parliamentary demands for US withdrawal.

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He has been active in Najaf for many years. Accused of “irresponsible statements” in a legal dispute last year as a member of parliament. In the fall of 2019 his name was already put forward as a possible replacement for Adel Abdul Mahdi. An MP said that there was a “meeting where it was discussed the challenges of getting out of the [protest] crisis, pointing to the existence of alternative names put forward in the meeting, in the event of Abdul Mahdi’s resignation, as the governor of Basra, Asaad al-Aydani, MP Adnan al-Zarfi, and former Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Mohammed Shiaa al-Sudani…”

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