Middle East

A List Of Most Of The Times Turkey Has Threatened To Launch Military Operation In Northeast Syria

A List Of Most Of The Times Turkey Has Threatened To Launch Military Operation In Northeast Syria
 Turkish Army and Air force of Turkey elements hit YPG / PYD targets in Afrin, Syria
Afrin offensive (2018) (within Northern Syria)
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February 28, 2017

Reuters: Manbij is Turkey‘s next step in Syria operation, Erdogan says 


January-March 2018

Operation Olive Branch in Afrin takes place

January 27, 2018

Reuters: Turkey‘s Erdogan says military operation to make big sweep east across Syria

May 7, 2018

Al-Jazeera: Turkey’s Erdogan says he will launch Syria operation to clear border from ‘terrorists’ as he campaigns for re-election

October 31, 2018

TRT: Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Ankara is ready to launch military operation in northern Syria to root out terror groups on eastern Euphrates

December 12

Stars and Stripes: Turkey will launch a new military operation against U.S.-backed Kurdish fighters in Syria “within a few days,” President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, a move likely to strain ties further between NATO allies Turkey and the U.S.

Bloomberg: Turkey will start a new military operation against U.S.-backed Kurdish militants in Syria within days, Erdogan says

December 13

Reuters:  Hours after Turkey‘s Erdogan says Ankara will launch an operation against U.S.-backed Kurds in Syria in a few days, Pentagon says unilateral military action is ‘unacceptable’.

TRT: Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirms that Ankara will launch a new military operation within the next few days in northern Syria against the YPG, which is the PKK terror group’s Syrian offshoot 

December 14

Liz Sly:  Erdogan & Trump talk on the phone. “The two leaders agreed on the need for more efficient cooperation over Syria, without giving details” (Reuters.) Comes after Erdogan threatened an operation against U.S.-backed Kurds within “days.”

December 15

TRT: Turkey deploys troops to its border with Syria, following President Recep Tayyip Erdogan‘s announcement of a new border operation east of the Euphrates

December 17

Turkish President says Turkey’s military operation in northern Syria will continue until the last of the terrorists are cleared. “Now it’s time for the east of the Euphrates. I told last week that we are going to start a military operation in Syria.”

Reuters: Turkey may start new Syria operation at any moment, Erdogan says 

December 21, 2018

Reuters: Turkey to delay Syria operation, Erdogan welcomes U.S. decision to withdraw troops


January 8, 2019

Daily Sabah: Presidential Adviser Kalın is National Security Adviser Bolton’s counterpart, President Erdoğan says, adds that a Turkish operation into northern Syria could happen any moment after the US delegation’s visit.

January 10

Reuters: Turkey says military operation in Syria not dependent on U.S. pull-out 

January 22

Turkey to push forces into eastern Syria if promises not kept

April 8

Turkey’s Erdogan to discuss possible operation in Syria with Putin: RIA 

July 22

Reuters: Turkey will launch operation in Syria if safe zone not established: minister

August 4

Reuters: Turkey will carry out operation in northern Syria: Ankara

August 5

Turkish President “We will conduct a military operation east of the Euphrates.”

August 6

AFP: Turkish President threatens operation against Syria Kurds ‘very soon’

August 31

AFP: Erdogan vows Syria operation ‘in weeks’ if Turkey has no control of ‘safe zone’

Ragip Soylu: Erdogan also threatens a military operation in northern Syria if the US doesn’t allow Turkish soldiers in the safe zone in next couple weeks. 

September 17, 2019

Turkey is “ready to begin operation.”

Turkey may launch an operation within two weeks, Ankara says

Al-Masdar: “If no specific measures are taken there [in the safe zone] within two weeks, we can start our own operation,” Erdogan said 

September 20, 2019

MEE: Turkey to deploy doctors ahead of military operation: The move came as Erdogan had threatened a military offensive in northern Syria if the US didn’t honour a “safe zone” agreement in two weeks

September 21, 2019

Reuters (first report): Turkey is ready to act on southern border

Reuters:  Turkey is prepared for possible Syria border operation, Erdogan says

TASS: Turkey ends preparations for operation

Turkish Consulate Houston: “Turkey has completed all of its preparations along its Syria border for an operation east of the Euphrates.”

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