Middle East

“116 Resistance Units” Arrested: Iran’s Intelligence Minister

Following the blacklisting of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the regime in Iran rushed to claim that the new terrorist designation of its main economic/military arm had no impact on its power structure other than to unite all its opposing factions under one flag.

To back up the claim, members of the mullahs’ Majlis (parliament) attended a parliamentary session with IRGC uniforms, Friday prayer imam’s univocally supported the IRGC and even Iranian TV hosts appeared on shows wearing the IRGC uniform.

Iranian Minister of Intelligence (MOIS) Mahmoud Alavi  


Meanwhile In an unprecedented confession, Iranian Minister of Intelligence (MOIS) Mahmoud Alavi announced the arrest of members of 116 PMOI resistance units in Iran.

He made this announcement at the Friday prayer in Tehran, where he spoke of “national security efforts conducted after wise instructions” by Ali Khamenei, the mullahs’ Supreme Leader. According to observers, this the announcement is intended to boost the morale of the regime’s troops, which was severely affected after the inclusion of the IRGC on the US list of terrorist organizations (FTO).

The Iranian Minister of Gestapo said: “Over the past year, we have confronted 116[resistance] units affiliated with the Mujahideen organization. He referred to the activities of his ministry as an “epic” carried out in accordance with Khamenei’s “directives” and the details of which will have to be announced by the regime’s media.

However, according to a statement by the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the actual number of arrests in the last year (Iranian from March 2018 to March 2019) is much higher than that acknowledged by Alavi, who did not mention arrests made by other law enforcement bodies such as the IRGC Intelligence Organization, the IRGC Information Protection Organization, the State Security Forces and the judiciary.

Alerting to the danger of torture and execution of those arrested, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, urged the United Nations Secretary-General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights and international human rights organizations to call for the release of those arrested and for a delegation to visit Iranian prisons and meet them.

Tehran must declare the names of all arrested persons and respect all their rights under the international conventions to which it is a signatory. Torture is a common practice in political prisons in Iran, and at least 14 demonstrators arrested during the December 2017 and January 2018 popular uprising died under the abuse of the torturing regime.

"116 Resistance Units" Arrested: Iran's Intelligence Minister

In the meantime, PMOI/MEK network inside Iran set fire to IRGC bases on April 18, 2019. Members of “Resistance Units,”, are reporting more anti-regime activities across numerous cities throughout Iran. They are specifically targeting the regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).

In Mashhad, northeast Iran, members of Resistance set fire to an IRGC Basij base while chanting, “Hail to the National Liberation Army of Iran.” on Apr.17, 2019.

Considering the powder keg circumstances of Iran’s society following the recent disastrous flood,  with no aid from the government and after receiving a heavy blow from the designation of IRGC as a terror group, the PMOI/MEK, having an organized structure, has been able to impact the on-the-ground events. One must admit that the resistance units are one of the most important parts of the Iranian people’s revolution, and they are playing their historical role in various methods. By organizing and leading the Iranian uprising in an effective manner, resistance units are injecting hope and new life into society.

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1 comment

Walkin O'Shea April 23, 2019 at 7:34 pm

What a country, where you dress up like your hero. Everyone gets into it, the mullahs, the media and probably anyone who’s sucking up to the revolutionary guards. Shades of China circa 1960.


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