Eastern Europe

U.S. Official Claims Ukraine Has Lost 15% Of Its Bradley Fighting Vehicles

Bradley Fighting Vehicle

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According to a U.S. military official, Ukrainian forces have lost more than 15 percent of the Bradley fighting vehicles the U.S. has provided to Kyiv. Many of the vehicles have been destroyed as Ukraine began its counteroffensive about three weeks ago amid heavy minefields laid by Russian troops and other difficult resistance.

The official said that of the 113 Bradley fighting vehicles that Washington gave Ukraine in March, at least 17 of them which is greater than 15 percent of the provided vehicles, have been damaged or destroyed in combat.

Meanwhile, the U.S. announced another $325 million weapons package for Kyiv earlier this month. That package is set to include another 15 Bradley fighting vehicles to replace the damaged and destroyed ones. Ukraine has also requested more Leopard tanks from Germany as Ukrainian forces have also been losing those in their struggle to retake territory claimed by Russia.

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An anonymous senior Biden administration official also noted that the difficulties that Kyiv has faced during its counteroffensive have been “sobering” for Washington. “They’re behind schedule,” the official added.

The U.S. isn’t the only country concerned that the counteroffensive isn’t making the significant gains that were originally expected as last week Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky even admitted that the counteroffensive was going “slower than desired.” Despite acknowledging its lack of building momentum, Zelensky reiterated that Ukrainian troops will continue fighting.

“Some people believe this is a Hollywood movie and expect results now. It’s not” he added.

While Washington and Kyiv have acknowledged that the assault has not been going as well as anticipated, both sides have reaffirmed that the counteroffensive is still in the early stages and the potential for substantial advances remains.

Despite Ukraine’s continued optimism that the counteroffensive will yield significant results, Pentagon documents leaked by a National Guard airman revealed that officials in Washington did not expect Kyiv to regain much territory. Regardless of the doubt that the assault would yield many gains, the Biden administration supported the counteroffensive and has refused to consider peace negotiations or a ceasefire.

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Empty June 28, 2023 at 9:18 pm

Lost? You might want to check with some of our enemies, because Zelensky and his gay Nazis probably sold em.

jack johnson June 29, 2023 at 6:39 am

That number is closer to 70%, otherwise there would not be the rush a new supply of them. I wonder how the Pentagon feels about seeing our prized military equipment burnt out and destroyed scattered in the fields. Ukraine is using a lot of donated military aid carelessly, as if there is an endless supply with little regard for cost.

There should be a law when it comes to war…..when you run out of your own weapons, the war is over. Maybe there would be far fewer of them.

FJB June 29, 2023 at 11:30 am

There is a possible mistake in the headline. Shouldn’t the 1 be a 9?
No matter the number the vehicles will all turn up in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq or some other hole.


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