Eastern Europe

Evacuation In Russian City Due To Explosive Devices

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Local authorities announced that thousands of individuals living in residential buildings in the Russian city of Belgor close to the border with Ukraine were evacuated following the discovery of explosive devices according to Tagesschau.de.

Regional governor, Viaceslav Gladkov announced that approximately 3,000 individuals living in 17 apartment buildings in Belgorod were ordered to evacuate by the authorities after they discovered explosive devices. Belgorod is located just 30 kilometers from Russia’s border with Ukraine.

The city was shaken by several large explosions two days prior, which resulted in at least three people getting injured. The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed the explosions were caused by the accidental fall of a few explosive devices from a Russian military plane passing over the city.

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“There was an abnormal fall of ammunition from a Sukhoi Su-34 plane while passing over the city of Belgorod,” said the Ministry of Defense in Moscow. He later declared that residents were beginning to return to their homes following the removal of a “shell.”

This is not the first occurrence of such an incident. In October of last year, a Su-34 Sukhoi fighter jet crashed in the Russian city of Yeysk, killing at least 13 individuals. Russian jets frequently pass over Belgorod, a city with a population of 370.

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