Eastern Europe

REPORT: Ukrainians Freeze As Government Unprepared For Winter During War. Where Did The Billions Go?

Ukraine Is The Third Most Corrupt Country In The World And Zelenskiy Demands $12 Billion A Month

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Tsarizm wrote earlier about the approaching winter in Ukraine and how the government was not prepared to handle the coming humanitarian disaster.

BREAKING: SOURCE – US Aid Not Reaching Ukrainian People. 40% Without Power. Government Not Doing Anything For People, No Generators, Tents, Heat, Etc. Kyiv Blackout Tonight. Riots Could Ensue.

As we stand today, sources tell Tsarizm the power is only on for 2 hours every 10 hours in the capitol city of Kyiv. There is no heat in much of the city, especially in high rise apartment complexes. The only generators working are in the supermarkets, which lack product.

“There is desperation in the eyes of people on the streets,” declared one source in-country.

Today’s weather is zero degrees centigrade with snow and rain.

ATMs are not working and people have no way to get cash to buy needed supplies.

“We need generators, stoves, snow clothes, snow boots in 1000s,” pleaded sources.

Ukrainians are personally traveling into Western Europe to beg for resources to ensure family survival.

The dystopian scene makes one wonder where the American billions are going?

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Pierre Delecto November 26, 2022 at 5:05 pm

Sure the Big Guy got his 10% cut.

Joey B November 26, 2022 at 7:47 pm

Pierre……. And Hunter got a piece also.

Daniel November 26, 2022 at 5:10 pm

Where did the billions go? To democrat politicians and 10% for the big guy, who else? Like Duh? Have I.Q.’s suddenly dropped here?

Empty November 27, 2022 at 12:08 am

Phew, I’m not sure who got what cut, But Zelensky gets some just for publicly pleading for US money, so part of it is there. A whole slew of US politicians should have their persons audited, checking various offshore and hidden accounts. Probably some media in on it too. Just check every single politician in the swamp for good measure.

Mad Celt November 27, 2022 at 9:17 am

Between the American government/mafia and the Ukraine government/mafia there was enough left to buy a Snickers bar.

SkippingDog November 27, 2022 at 3:43 pm

The “billions” went to weapons to fight the Russian invasion.


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