Eastern Europe

Zelenskiy Fires Spy Chief And Chief Prosecutor Day After Ukrainian Aircraft Filled With Explosive Crashes In Greece

There are no coincidences…

Ivan Bakanov in 2022
Image by Editor1098765

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This story is developing…

The day after a Ukrainian cargo aircraft full of explosives crashed in Greece, possibly exposing the dark nature of the Ukrainian conflict — the black market sale of Western supplied armaments to enrich oligarchs and Deep State operatives, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy fired his spy chief, and chief prosecutor.

Ukraine’s chief of domestic intelligence and security (SBU) Ivan Bakanov was dismissed, along with Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova.

The timing is very curious.

It is a long-followed practice of tyrants to force out of office in a government those who are in a position to disclose and combat corruption. Or possibly, these two may have been involved in the corruption, and Zelenskiy is cleaning house.

As we wrote recently, the crash of the Ukrainian aircraft may possibly be a development that begins to rip the mask off massive fraud and money laundering concerning the resale of Western military aid to Ukraine.

This story is not over, we expect more information to be released in the near future.

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1 comment

Jersey Prophet July 19, 2022 at 3:36 pm

Color me surprised. President Trump spoke of the corrupt government of Ukraine when crack boy Hunter was actively getting a $50k+ monthly salary for doing nothing on the board of Burisma.


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