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The Russian Air Force has been largely non-existent in the skies over Ukraine, to the detriment of Russian ground forces as they advance. This reality has mystified military experts. In addition, Russia is losing an alarming number of aircraft and pilots.
“[T]he roughly 300 modern combat aircraft which the [Russian air force] positioned within easy range of the main contact zones in northern, eastern and southern Ukraine appear to have largely stayed on the ground throughout the first four days of fighting,” wrote airpower expert Justin Bronk, reported Task and Purpose.
“The fact that Ukrainian troops and civilians have been able to see (and rapidly mythologise) their own pilots continuing to fly sorties above major cities has also been a major morale-boosting factor that has helped solidify the extraordinary spirit of unified resistance shown across the country,” Bronk said.
Morale is not the only way Ukraine has benefited from Russia’s shy air force. Ukrainian troops wielding surface-to-air missiles and man-portable air defense systems have shot down helicopter gunships with much less risk of retaliation, Bronk said, hampering Russian air assaults.
Given how much Russian forces have suffered from the lack of air cover makes it difficult to understand why so much Russian airpower remains on the sidelines. However, Bronk had a few guesses: a limited number of precision-guided munitions; poor coordination with ground-based air defenses; low number of flying hours; and perhaps a hesitancy not to disabuse notions of foreign observers that the Russian air force has modernized and professionalized in recent years.
The text below bemoans the destruction of the aircraft type above which costs $36M.
Один из последних фронтовых бомбардировщиков Су-34 (бортовой номер “24 красный”), построенных для ВВС России по гособоронзаказу 2018 года на Новосибирском авиационном заводе имени В.П. Чкалова (филиале ПАО “Компания “Сухой”) и вошедший в состав 2-го гвардейского бомбардировочного авиационного полка 21-й смешанной авиационной дивизии 14-й Смоленской Краснознаменной армии ВВС и ПВО Центрального военного округа, дислоцированного на аэродроме Шагол – УНИЧТОЖЕН
Цена – 36 000 000 USD
Below is the famous Russian Air Force Officer Colonel Krivolap who was instrumental in Syria (far right). He was shot down and captured, shown in video below.
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- The Biden Push For War In Ukraine Is About Stopping US Mid-Term Elections, And Giving China Taiwan
Never fear, senile Joe Biden is sending Commie-La Harris to Poland to get this all straightened out. I am sure she will do an excellent job…and excellent job of making a complete fool of herself again.
Commie-la Harris was asked by a radio talk show host to break down the Ukrainian war in “layman terms”. She skillfully managed to break it down into ‘idiot terms”.
Read this and weep or laugh.
So, Ukraine is a country in Europe.”
“It exists next to another country called Russia,” she continued. “Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for.”
This is what we have in the office of VP all because of a rigged election. A third grader could have explained it better. And now senile little girl fondling is sending this ignorant, incompetent moron over to Poland to discuss the war between Russia and Ukraine. One might think that her stupid statement was aimed at those who are too stupid to understand what the Ukrainian war is all about, but in fact, she actually thought she was giving a very high level explanation of a complicated subject. She is the stupid one.
you can tell everything about a people, about a Nation, by the way they treat their prisoners.
You can see the Ukrainian Nazi’s brutality and inhumanity on full display.
Not necessarily. The aircrew shown may have resisted and had to be forcibly subdued. Their captors may be civilians who are not versed on the finer points of the Geneva Convention. The Russian military itself has been known to severely mistreat POWs. Aircraft hit by missiles or large caliber antiaircraft guns tend to come apart suddenly and forcefully, often injuring the crew before they eject. Finally, ejection from an aircraft is not a gentle process. I’ve seen US aircrew who were severely injured or killed during ejection.
Well…Nancy Pelosi got the Ukraine mixed up with Hungary. The whole lot of them are geographically inept idiots!