Eastern Europe

It’s Happening…Russian Lawmakers Call Form Implementation Plans To Incorporate Belarus Into The Russian Federation

It's Happening...Russian Lawmakers Call Form Implementation Plans To Incorporate Belarus Into The Russian Federation
“Signing Treaty on Establishing Russian-Belarusian Union”. Official ceremony of signing Treaty on Establishing Russian-Belarusian Union at St. Vladimir Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace. Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko ink Treaty
Image by Vladimir Rodionov / Владимир Родионов

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The long game of Russian President Vladimir Putin looks to be paying off as Belarus finally begins to accept the offer it can’t refuse – to become part of Russia.

Belarusian President Aleksander Lukashenko had resisted such a future, even opening up to the EU and American olive branches, but in the end, Western sanctions on Belarus for putting down a Western-inspired color revolution have forced him to think more like the Kremlin on the subject of integration.

State Duma Speaker, Parliamentary Assembly Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin said on his Telegram channel on Sunday that the two nations should begin developing a legislative roadmap for integration.

“At the next session of the Parliamentary Assembly, it is necessary to discuss joint steps for the legislative support of the decisions by the presidents of our countries. It is necessary to work out a roadmap of lawmakers’ participation in implementing integration processes,” the State Duma speaker said, reported Russian state news agency TASS.

A session of the Union State’s Higher State Council held on November 4 approved 28 sectoral union integration programs, an updated military doctrine and a migration policy concept of the two states, Volodin said.

As the Duma speaker said,” the approved programs are aimed at raising the well-being of citizens of the two countries and creating a common economic space.”

“Presidents [Vladimir] Putin [of Russia] and [Alexander] Lukashenko [of Belarus] are doing everything possible to ensure that citizens of Russia and Belarus benefit from the decisions made and these are breakthrough decisions,” the Russian politician stressed.

“Now the parliaments of Russia and Belarus should carry out large-scale work to further unify the legislations of both countries as part of the efforts to implement the sectoral union programs that have been mapped out,” the Duma chairman said, noting that “the work to carry through the accords will require tens of legislative decisions,” which raised the responsibility of lawmakers from both countries.

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