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Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet U.S. President* Joe Biden at Villa La Grange in Geneva, Switzerland on June 16th, according to the Swiss Foreign Ministry.
Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Joe Biden of the United States will hold a meeting at the Villa La Grange in Geneva on June 16, a Swiss foreign ministry spokesperson told TASS on Thursday.
“The meeting will take place at the Villa La Grange in Geneva on June 16,” she said, reported Russian state news agency TASS.
The Swiss Foreign Ministry said earlier on Twitter that “Switzerland thanks the two countries for the trust expressed by choosing Geneva.”
The 18th century Villa La Grange is located in the city’s largest park on the banks of Lake Geneva. The villa is closed to visitors on June 8-18. The regional authorities announced tightened security measures for June 14-17. In particular, the flights of unmanned aerial vehicles have been banned in the Geneva canton. A special security zone has been created around the summit’s venue, which includes Parc La Grange and its adjacent Parc des Eaux Vives.
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This is going to be good. Putin is going to eat Biden for lunch. While Russian and America have our issues, I don’t believe our two countries should be going head to head. Russia had nothing to do with the election of Trump, but yet the DemonRats tried to impeach trump at every turn. What do you think Putin is thinking about our president when he can barely put to words together to form a cogent sentence. Biden will be the laughing stock of the world, because that meeting is going to be epic and will go viral on the WWW.
By the next day Biden won’t remember he was there. Sending Joe anywhere is a waste of our tax money.
Correction. Putin will be meeting with Bidens handlers. Biden will be back at his hotel eating pudding and watching Matlock reruns.