Eastern Europe

Thousands In Khabarovsk Protest Arrest Of Russian Governor

VIDEO: Thousands In Khabarovsk Protest Arrest Of Russian Governor
Rally in Khabarovsk 18th July 2020
Image by Штаб Навального в Хабаровске

Tens of thousands of people in the Far Eastern Russian city of Khabarovsk marched in an unsanctioned rally on July 18 to protest the arrest of a local governor.

Videos of the event showed a massive crowd filing down a main thoroughfare in the regional capital and gathering in its main square to demand the release of Khabarovsk Krai Governor Sergei Furgal.

An estimated 15,000 to 50,000 demonstrators took part in the nearly five-hour rally, according to reports, although police gave no official crowd estimate. City authorities reported no arrests or violence…

To read more visit RFERL.

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