Reinkenhagen Erdölmuseum Rohrstück Ostseepipeline Nord Stream
The Federal Republic of Germany seems to be getting cold feet over the development of the Nord Stream II pipeline which will dramatically increase the dependence of Berlin on natural gas from the Russian Federation. Tsarizm has written extensively about Germany’s refusal to adequately fund its own defense, all the while relying on the American nuclear umbrella for its security.
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a close friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has destroyed Germany’s culture and security by inviting in a million Islamic migrants from the Middle East, called the pipeline only a ‘commercial project’. U.S. President Trump vehemently disagreed and called out the German government for its duplicity. It seems the tide may be changing regarding support for the project.
Nord Stream 2, an $11 billion project that will double the natural gas supply under the Baltic Sea to Germany, faces growing skepticism among German officials who had previously defended it against criticism from Trump and some European Union allies, according to senior lawmakers. The shift could translate into pressure on Merkel’s government to back down on the controversial pipeline and possibly delay its implementation.
“The debate in Germany has become more critical,” said Social Democratic lawmaker Nils Schmid, the junior coalition party’s point man on foreign policy, said in an interview, adding that the project shouldn’t go forward until Russia and Ukraine reach a transit accord. “It would have been better to take this political dimension into account,” reported Bloomberg.
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The project is a priority for the Kremlin and the development is likely to increase tensions between Europe and Russia. Merkel previously stated the project must ensure the revenue available to the beleaguered Ukrainian state for gas transit fees.
It is likely Germany may try and wait out the Trump administration’s term in office, hoping for a new American president in 2020. This is likely a very bad bet.