Eastern Europe

EU High Court Rules Against Eastern Europe Regarding Migrants, Poland Stance Unchanged

Image by Adrian Grycuk

Today the European Court of Justice ruled in favor of Western European nations who want to force Eastern countries to accept thousands of Islamic migrants in order to take pressure off the souther periphery nations of the EU. Even though the majority of migrants seem to be economic refugees who are simply looking for a better life and taking advantage of the Syrian civil war to migrate, it seems the EU will now threaten Eastern Europe with ‘infringement procedures’ and fines.

“I was convinced that such a decision would be made (by the court), but this absolutely does not change the stance of the Polish government with respect to migration policy,” Szydlo told reporters on the sidelines of a business conference, reported Reuters.

Zero Hedge posted, “The ECJ ruling is a victory for western European states like Germany, France and Italy, who have pushed for EU “solidarity” over the migration issue. Italy, now the main destination for migrants risking the Mediterranean crossing, is prominent among wealthier, Western states in threatening their eastern neighbors with cutting their EU subsidies if they do show solidarity by taking people in. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said he would still not take a quota but was ready to help in other ways.”

European Union Goes After Poland, Again

Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos said: “If the member states that have not relocated at all or not for a long time do not change their approach in the coming weeks, we should then consider to take the last step in the infringement procedure, taking Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic to the European Court of Justice.”

Poland Strikes Back Against EU Legal Action, Demands Reparations For WWII

It is a given that the former communist East feels its citizens are more threatened by Islamic terror than threats of fines by the EU. There have not been the kind of serial terror in Poland and Hungary as has taken place throughout the capitals of Western Europe. It is also a cultural issue with the East not wanting their culture destroyed as has happened Sweden and Germany.

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