Image by Jakub Szestowicki
The Central European nation of Poland could soon pass a law that will outlaw sexual education, and the consequent push for LGBTQ groups to ‘educate’ children about sexual orientation, for children under 15 years of age.
According to Polish weekly newsmagazine Wprost, the new bill — known as the “Stop Pedophilia” law — aims to send sex educators to prison for up to five years.
Anna Blus, a researcher with Amnesty International, described the legislation as “outrageous” and “extremely vague and broad…This bill will put young people at risk,” Blus told DW on Wednesday. “It could have disastrous effects.”
Newly elected PiS lawmaker Marcin Ociepa claimed fears that educators may end up behind bars are just an “overinterpretation of the bill,” and said he said he saw nothing bad about the legislation, wrote DW.
“This only says that it is not allowed to encourage a person younger than 15 … to have sex or to conduct other sexual activities,” Ociepa told private radio TOK FM, reported DW.
The purpose of the legislation is to “criminalize the promotion of underage sexual activity” suggesting that sexual education teachers “groom and familiarize children with homosexuality,” according to LGBTQ Nation, writes National File.
Supporters of the legislation wrote in a statement that “The organizations and activists most involved in the promotion of sexual ‘education’ in our country are the LGBT lobby.”
“In Western Europe, members of these movements involved in implementing sex education in schools were convicted of pedophilia,” the document added.
LGBT activist Ola Kaczorek told Reuters: “This would make impossible for us as educators to come into schools and teach kids about humans, about what makes us us, and what’s gender identity or sexual orientation,” reported National File.
“Usually school is not a friendly environment for non-heterosexual kids, but now it will be even harder,” Kaczorek added.
God Bless Poland !
Good for them.
A large dose of common sense coming out of Poland! Smart folks over there…
Good for Poland initiating a strong message to the teachers regarding the perverts and to parents, more power to them.
I think I now know where I will retiring to, even though I am of Irish descent. God Bless Poland and her two favorite sons, King John III Sobieski and St. John Paul II!
Both saved Europe from terrible plagues.
Just another confirmation Poland is an adult in the room.
As it should be.
GO! Poland… Common Sense among some Politicians? Who’d a thot!
Thank you for this common sense legislation
the headline says they did it. the article says they might do it. then it says they don’t know what ‘it’ is.
but they know ‘it’ is outrageous. and they know it is hard for a kid who’s not normal.
do they know that I, as a teacher, could show great support (and encouragement) for experimentation among my stoonts?
do they know I would be loath to do that? do they know that’s why I was very very cool to all homo talk? do they know that maybe that is why my several students who ‘came out’ received cool to no response from me, and that they would naturally feel a little slighted by my lack of exuberance?
do liberals know that I wouldn’t send a son off to the woods with a gay scoutmaster?
do liberals know everything they touch turns to sewage? hooray POLAND! courageous POLES!
Hooray for Poland! Make no mistake – children have always been the primary targets of Sodomites. Researchers have found that an extremely high percentage of homosexuals were molested as young boys, psychologically damaging them.
Being “gay” is passed by molestation, not any genes.
Poland, the home of brave men, beautiful women and common sense.
Being gay doesn’t make you a bad person guys, ffs. If y’all really do hate gays this much then dang, must’ve missed the fact that y’all must be from 1940’s Germany. Good luck starting another holocaust.
Can we stop with the Polish jokes now? Good for Poland to have the sane presence of
mind to put Nature and not “nurture” (viz., indoctrination) in the forefront of sex education.
It scientifically known, but censored by the petrochemical industry, that deviant sexual orientation (viz., unnatural orientation) is the end product of xenoestrogenic/androgenic
(petrochemical based estrogens and androgens), pseudogenic (prescription estrogens and androgens), and phyto (plant) estrogenic/androgenic (flax and soy being the worst of them) effect on the developing brains of infants (predominately males) in utero (cells in the hypo-
thalamus of the brain responsible for sexual identity). Mild exposure and effect: Bisexuality. Moderate exposure and effect: Homosexuality. Severe exposure and effect: Transexuality.
This entire “LGBT” movement was fomented by the petrochemical companies responsible for this deviation (the phytoestrogenic effect is millennia old via estrogen based herbal medicines taken in copious amounts by pregnant women), to circumvent massive world-wide class action lawsuits by those harmed. Better idea: Invent and disseminate the myth that sexual deviancy is “natural” then accommodate those deviants by way of adjudication and mandatory social reform.
Bill53 you said it! I was thinking the exact same thing!! Time to learn Polish. Two of my greatest heroes are Polish, King Sobieski and Karol Josef Wojtyla!
Homosexuals are dysfunctional, a lot of homosexuals literally rape to get what they want, especially young boys, sometimes men, no use anyone arguing with me on that point, I have come across a huge percentage of homosexuals who have done just that to kids around me when I was a boy, and in my later years, I saw the same theme repeated, that is just part of their ‘scene’, same in the armed services, some horrifically violent homosexual rapists there, and there are quite a few who will literally smash your head in in gangs if they hear about you criticizing them, the Jews are extremely violent in this regard especially. Take it or leave it, that is reality, the nasty ones are in the majority. There is something very badly wrong with any man who shuns the association of women whilst desiring sex with other men (or boys). Anyone like that should be kept well away from children.
@ Solomon Perel You what? Still at it with your holocaust bollocks even during the COVID-19 crisis? You people never miss an opportunity do you? How many shekels is it that the Israeli security services give you every time you mention the ‘holocaust’ on the web? I am not kidding here folks, these people literally get paid by the mention, that is why the comment sections are saturated with their lying whining crap. They started WWI and WWII, a great number of prominent Jews have stated the truth of that, and the Jews created Communist China and Russia as well, resulting in the murders of hundreds of millions of Gentiles when you add in the numbers from both world wars and those from the ME wars today of course, that is why they force people by law to only be allowed to talk about their fake 6 million and not any less than 6 million in many countries today. More Jews existed immediately after WWII than existed immediately before WWII, very provable fact. Did you know that so-called ‘anti-semite’ Stalin passed and enforced a law throughout the Soviet Union that enforced a mandatory death penalty against any individual expressing by any means any anti-semitic opinion, which was done of course to totally extinguish anyone who might tell anyone else how the Jews had 66 million Christians murdered in Russia and stop that knowledge being passed on to subsequent generations, even children were made to inform on their parents, the policy worked though, they soon ‘forgot’. The Kremlin actually requested for the same law to be enforced in every nation of the world after WWII, on the back of the ‘Allied’ victory, but the other nations just chose a different method which we are seeing enforced today.
Read between the lines – all homos are child molestors.
Good for Poland. Kolejny epicki ruch Polski!
Poland as configured today is no more than a gigantic german cementary, it is stolen land soaked with the blood of its former inhabitants, developers and bringers of civilization. However, when the Poles are right, they are right.