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Central Europe has begun to experience outbreaks of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19; instances of infection have been reported throughout the Visegrad region.
Czech Republic has reportedly confirmed five new cases of the COVID-19 virus as of March 3, all cases are linked with travel to Italy, confirmed the Health Minister of the Czech Republic, reported Republic World.
In the context of the ongoing coronavirus situation, there are 220 individuals hospitalised in Poland and 9,366 were put under sanitary surveillance, reported PolandIn. There are 25 cases in total in-country.
In Warsaw, four persons were hospitalised, having contracted the coronavirus. They are also the only ones confirmed coronavirus cases in the Mazowieckie province. The first case in the province was confirmed on Sunday. A Spanish woman who has come to Poland from Germany turned out to be a host for the virus.
Being one of the four confirmed coronavirus cases in Warsaw, the General Commander of Branches of the Armed Forces Jarosław Mika contracted the virus while recently attending an international meeting in Germany. His condition is good, the PM’s Office head Michał Dworczyk reported.
On March 6, Slovalk PM Peter Pellegrini announced, “A patient aged 52 was confirmed today. He has been hospitalized at the infectology clinic of the University Hospital in Bratislava,” reported The Slovak Spectator.
The number of coronavirus cases in Hungary has risen to 13, the government’s coronavirus website informed on Wednesday morning, reported the Hungarian news outlet index.