Central Europe

‘LGBT-Free Zone’ Push In Poland Draws Fire From U.S. Ambassador

The U.S. ambassador to Poland joined a litany of criticism against “hatred and intolerance” by supporters of the conservative government over a magazine’s plan to distribute “LGBT-free zone” stickers.

The question over gay rights is becoming a polarizing issue before fall general elections, underscoring a departure by the ruling Law & Justice Party from the European Union’s liberal, multicultural mainstream. Party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski has warned that the advancement of gay rights is a “grave danger” for Poland’s families and the future of the bloc…

To read more visit Bloomberg.

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1 comment

Walkin O'Shea July 23, 2019 at 8:55 pm

I agree with Jaroslaw Kaczynski. This immoral movement of the LGBTQ+ will be the end of all countries and all peoples. Poland Stand Strong! Czuwaj ponad sto lat!


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