
Iranian Regime Openly Threatens Resistance Members In Albania With Terror, After Pompeo/Pence Speak At Camp Outside Tirana

Iranian Regime Openly Threatens Resistance Members In Albania With Terror, After Pompeo/Pence Speak At Camp Outside Tirana

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The Iranian Resistance, better known as the PMOI/MEK, has been active against the regime for 4 decades. Over one hundred thousand have been executed by the tyrannical mullahs in Tehran.

However, several thousand refugees were relocated to Albania after the Iraq War.

Former Vice President Pence, and former Secretary of State Pompeo recently visited the camp and gave speeches in support of the Iranian freedom movement.

The regime reacted in typical fashion — with terror death threats.

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1 comment

D3F1ANT June 28, 2022 at 11:07 am

Just like America’s Democrat Party. If they don’t get what they want they threaten and commit violence against the folks who oppose them. In American, though, for some reason, we refuse to call them “terrorists.”


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