
Vucic Wins Second Term As His Party Loses Absolute Majority

Vucic Wins Second Term As His Party Loses Absolute Majority

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Aleksandar Vucic has won a second 5-year term in office as Serbia’s president following the Sunday elections, but his Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) was unable to maintain a three-fifth majority of seats in parliament despite convincingly winning the parliamentary vote as well.

Live results from the National Electoral Commission show Vucic leading with 58.5 percent while 96 percent of all votes have been counted. This is virtually the same results as in 2017 for Vucic, and it avoids a runoff with the main opposition candidate Zdravko Ponos who got only 18.3 percent of votes.

The SNS got 43 percent of the counted votes, securing the party 119 seats in the 250-seat parliament – short of seven seats from a simple majority of 226 seats needed to form the next government. This result is nearly one-third down from the 61 percent in 2020 elections, which gave the SNS 188 seats.

A coalition of Vucic’s main ally, the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), of Speaker of Parliament Ivica Dacic won 11.5 percent, secured the same 32 seats in parliament. It remains to be seen whether the two parties will strike another governing coalition deal, with Vucic having other better options to consider.

Opposition United for Victory alliance of presidential candidate Zdravko Ponos obtained 13.6 percent.

On Sunday’s presidential and parliamentary elections in Serbia nearly 59 percent of the 6.5 million eligible voters turned out in polling stations.

Putin Congratulates Vucic

Russian President Vladimir Putin was the first to congratulate Vucic, his staunch supporter and closest ally in Europe, stressing Kremlin’s hope to strengthen the “strategic partnership” between the two countries. Serbia, a candidate to the European Union, has been constantly defying the union’s lenient calls to impose sanctions on Russia since its takeover of Crimea in 2014. It has instead strengthened military cooperation with Russia and beefed up capabilities with Russian fighter jets, helicopters, tanks, armored vehicles and other heavy weapons.

Of the eight presidential candidates, three of them supported Serbia’s EU membership during the electoral campaign, while all promised to strengthen cooperation with Russia and China.

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