
Opposition Alleges Serbian Army Entered Kosovo, Police Deny

Opposition Alleges Serbian Army Entered Kosovo, Police Deny

Opposition Vetevendosje MP Mefail Bajqinovci has claimed that the Serbian army entered Kosovo on Friday.

Sot rreth orës 17:00, xhandarmëria serbe është futur rreth 1 km në brendësi të territorit të Kosovës, konkretisht në fshatin Karaçevë,Komuna e Kamenicës.Kamerat e sigurisë kanë kapur 11 pjesëtarë të uniformuar dhe të armatosur që kanë kaluar nëpër parkingun e Restaurant “Oxygen” që është pronë e Adhurim Krasniqit.Institucionet e sigurisë së Kosovës, duhet të veprojnē urgjentisht për të mbrojtur qytetarët, sovranitetin dhe integritetin territorial të Kosovës.Për herë të parë xhandarmëria serbe patrullon lirshêm në lagje të Karaçevës.Pamjet janë marrë nga restorani “Oxygen” në Karaçevê.

Posted by Mefail Bajqinovci on Friday, August 7, 2020

Bajqinovci posted CCTV footage showing several people appearing to be wearing military uniforms, alleging that they were Serbian soldiers in Kosovo’s Karaçeva village in Kamenica, about one kilometre within the Kosovo border with Serbia.

The MP said the incident included 11 Serbian soldiers and happened at 5 p.m. on Friday. The footage was taken from the CCTV of a restaurant in the area.

He called on the Kosovo security institutions to act urgently in defense of the Kosovo people, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The Kosovo police denied the claims. They said they searched the area and found no Serbian soldiers there, and added that the security of the border is the responsibility of KFOR.

However, Mayor of Kamenica Qëndron Kastrati confirmed that Serbian soldiers were seen in the village today, and that this was not the first time.

“The constant provocation and terror on the citizens of this area is unacceptable. This is a direct threat to the people of Karaçeva and to our state,” he stated.

Kastrati has informed the President and the Ministry of Interior regarding today’s incident.

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